Cross-stitch is one of the easiest needle arts to learn. It’s just making little “x’s” all over the fabric, using different colors to create a design. This particular one is from a book called Hand-Stitched Boxes by Meg Evans. The box is remarkably easy to make, and I’ve done several designs, but this is the pattern that’s in the book and I’m sharing it here because it has cross-stitch motifs. I made a miscalculation on the canvas, and my design is a little modified because of it, but that’s the beauty of cross-stitch – it’s very easy to modify it and come up with things that you like better.
One hint when working cross-stitch: decide which direction your “X’s” face. Either have all the bottom stitches going right and the top left, or vice-versa, but keep it consistent throughout the pattern. This is how you get the characteristic sheen that’s one of the hallmarks of good cross-stitch. Also, keep your stitches on the back as neat as possible and don’t use knots to secure the thread. Just sew over the tails.