Tag Archives: acatherinenoon
Organizing Tips for Crafters – Hashtags
If you are new to the social media phenomenon, you might not have heard of “hashtags.” A hashtag is the “pound” symbol: #, accompanied by a word or words that groups together concepts. Its purpose is to collect similar information from all over into one easily-searchable stream. It’s most popular on Twitter and Tweeps have used literally thousands of hashtags on every imaginable subject.
Here’s how they work: you probably know that you have a limited number of characters to post your thoughts on Twitter, 140 to be exact. (This comes from the limit imposed on text messaging by the servers that run the “SMS” messages.) One way to become part of the larger conversation is to include a hashtag with your post, and then others who have similar interests can find you.
I use #quotes most often, since I love to find and post quotes related to my interests. Here are a few more relevant to crafting:
#knit and #knitting are the most obvious. When you have thoughts, updates, or projects to knit, add that to your post.
#craft The most broad of the topics you can use.
#gifts I love this one, because it’s such a broad category – it could be things you make and things you buy.
#ravelry If you’re part of the huge worldwide community of Ravelry, this is a great way to link your Tweets to your Ravelry thoughts and pictures.
Do you have a favorite hashtag or five? Tell me, in the comments!
Journey Into 3-D
This weekend I had an object lesson in the difference between 2-D planning and 3-D execution. Namely, yarn estimation.
When my baby Bryce Canyon Shawl was nice and small, it was easy to imagine I’d only need a few skeins of yarn. I’d done other triangle shawls and wanted this one to be “bigger” (technical term) so I knew if I got more yarn, I’d be fine. So I got a few skeins.
Then I threw in the wrinkle of the two extra lace medallions.
But this also means that there are continuous increases, all the way up the shawl.
Those of you who already knit know what’s coming. I ran out of yarn this weekend. We went and picked up six more skeins, after running my new estimate by my husband who isn’t as geometrically challenged as me. We shall see.
Here’s a couple progress photos for you.
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The side medallions are getting really big. I love the way they get set off by the lace on either side; I think it’s coming out really well. I love it when a plan comes together! |
Saturday Showcase – Jennifer Colgan
Kicking off my series of interviews authors who craft, I interviewed author Jennifer Colgan. As enthusiastic about her crafts as I am, she included many pictures with her interview answers and I’m excited to be able to share them. Read on, MacDuff!
KK: Tell me a little more about what crafts you do. What do you like to make?
JC: I’m hooked on crocheting, painting, jewelry making, drawing and my latest obsession is the art of ZenTangle. I’ve also dabbled in candle making, needlepoint and cross-stitch, quilting, loom knitting, and building miniature dollhouses. About the only thing I haven’t tried is soap making, but that’s on my to-do list.
KK: When did you learn to do crafts?
JC: My mother is a knitter and cross-stitcher, so I grew up with crafts. Art class was probably my favorite subject as a kid, and I embraced every medium from clay to pastels.
KK: Have you ever given a craft to a character? How did you go about it? What research did it require?
JC: In my paranormal romance, The Devil’s Due, my heroine Ceara is a sculptor. I didn’t really do extensive research on the craft of sculpting, but I tried to channel my creative nature into the character.
KK:What effect does your writing have on your crafting and vice-versa? Does one fall off when the other is stronger, or do they synergize?
JC:Crafting helps me through the rough patches in writing. I can work through writer’s block or tackle a difficult scene or chapter better if I step away from the computer and draw or paint or make something. Sometimes a trip to the craft store is enough of a mini-vacation to energize me and give me the drive to get back to writing. Crafts are how I unwind from most of life’s frustrations because, unlike with my writing, I don’t get hung up on perfectionism when I craft. I find I’m a lot more accepting of the imperfections in a crafted piece that I am of imperfections in a manuscript. I can let go and really enjoy the process of creating because I’m not as critical of the result.
KK: What do you dream of making when you have the time or skills?
JC: I’d love to build another dollhouse from scratch. I made a few of them several years ago and ultimately gave them to my niece. I’d also love to crochet a jacket or a sweater, but so far my skill tops out at making blankets.
KK: Where do you get ideas for your crafts?
JC: I subscribe to Crafts magazine, and I devour each issue. I also surf the web sometimes looking for craft projects or pick up ideas at the craft store – my favorite place to spend time.
Jen shared some images of her art with me. Take a peek!
Having narrowly missed being crushed by an avalanche of Star Trek novels as a teenager, Jennifer Colgan vowed to one day cause the book shelves of avid readers all over the world to collapse under their own weight.
Now multi-published under her own name and as her alter ego, Bernadette Gardner, Jennifer has arrived in the digital age and instead hopes to be responsible for overloading the memory cards of e-book readers everywhere with her paranormal, futuristic and science-fiction romances.
To learn more about Jennifer visit her website, Bernadette’s website, or their Two Voices blog.
Friday Funnies
Organizing Tips for Crafters – Cat Litter Containers
Do you have a cat? If you do, then you know how quickly the empty litter containers can accumulate. With a little forethought, those containers can be a huge boon to your crafting. First, find litter that comes in larger plastic containers with wide lids. I use the Petsmart generic brand and they have nice sturdy white pails with big square lids. Once the litter is gone, wash out the container. Let it dry completely. You can use it like a pail, standing up, and put supplies in it (I store yarn in mine), or you can build yourself an apothecary cabinet. Here’s how: Locate or build some shelving deep enough to hold the containers on their sides. Using a quarter-inch drill, drill a hole through the bottom of the container and screw it to the back of the shelving or directly into the wall. (This isn’t necessary, but it helps keep the containers in place and stable.) Then arrange your containers in whatever order you like, holding your craft materials clean and out of the way. Just watch out that “out of sight, out of mind” doesn’t mean that you buy MORE stash to supplement what is now hidden. Not that I, like, did that, or anything… ~innocent~
Journey Into 3-D
I expected to “get” the whole 3-D thing by now. After all, I’ve been knitting, avidly, since 2000. Isn’t 12 years enough time to learn something? Apparently not. One thing I am learning is that a decrease has a slant. I learned that a while ago, really, but I’m beginning to get it in my fingers that an SSK and a K2T slant differently. I cannot for the life of me remember which is which, though. So what I did that seems to be working is to know that the SSK comes at the beginning, and the K2T at the end. I still can’t tell you which one’s left and which one’s right, but that’s okay. I’m learning. Notes: SSK = Slip, Slip, Knit. Slip the first two stitches from the left needle to the right, then insert the left needle through the front of both and knit them together. K2T = Knit 2 Together. Insert the right needle into the next two stitches on the left needle and knit as though they were one. In each case, one stitch is decreased.
The Design Notebook
I showed the Bryce Canyon Shawl to some folks recently and again heard the comments “Wow, that is a lot of work!” and “I’m not patient enough for that.” I find these comments interesting because they are so misguided. I am not, by nature, a patient person. I don’t sit down to knit and think, “Oh, yay, now I have time to focus on my knitting and only my knitting.” I come to knitting from a very Zen place, where I allow stitches to accumulate organically. One stitch leads to another stitch and so on. By not thinking about it, it ceases to be work. This also allows me to not worry about being patient. By just focusing on making the stitches, I don’t have to be patient. I’m already doing what I set out to do. The finished product is a byproduct of the process. The process is the goal. What would you try if you didn’t have to come up with the finished product, but the doing of it would be the success?
Fan Moment – Luba Perchyshyn
I have done pysanky, or Ukranian decorated eggs, for years now. Every year, I get a new book or some tools in the craft. I have a small library of excellent books by Ms. Luba Perchyshyn, who writes beautifully and has lovely photographs explaining her techniques. I get my supplies from a couple places, but the books come from the Ukrainian Gift Shop in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. I’ve been to the Twin Cities three times now, and each time haven’t managed to get to the store. My friend went there recently and asked me if I wanted anything. I stared at her and then begged her to take my books to the store for an autograph. She did it! And she got to meet Ms. Perchyshyn herself! Ms. Perchychyn said it was obvious my books were well-loved and that the person who used them must enjoy the art very much. I was embarrassed because I couldn’t get the wax drips and dye dots off them, but she seemed very pleased by it. She even signed all my books! I about fainted when my friend brought them home for me. If you’ve ever wanted to try the art for yourself, I highly recommend checking out their supplies and books. The Design Books (there are 5) are very easy to follow and you’ll be making amazing eggs in no time. Have fun!