Are you tired of being stuck at home? Want to hang out with other makers and focus on creating?
Join us! Leave me a comment below and I’ll get you the zoom link (I’m not listing it publicly for security purposes).
Are you tired of being stuck at home? Want to hang out with other makers and focus on creating?
Join us! Leave me a comment below and I’ll get you the zoom link (I’m not listing it publicly for security purposes).
It startled me to find my last post was in 2016. It’s so easy to let ourselves be distracted by the shiny things and the squirrels. I’ve been thinking a lot about that recently, this conflict between output and inflow: output is our own creative production, and inflow is the overwhelm of media consumption. I’m certainly not the first person to talk about this; Adam Alter did a TED Talk on screen addiction in 2017 that you can check out, here.
Any veteran journaler will tell you, it’s the questions that are the key. Asking ourselves good questions can be the difference between skating along the surface of our thoughts and diving deeply into them. WHY do we step away from craft? Why do we stop writing/making/playing? What moves us off our center? It’s easy to blame something outside of us, but as author and creativity specialist Julia Cameron points out in The Artist’s Way, we use crazymakers to block ourselves or to stay blocked. At some point, we have to put the responsibility (note I did not say blame) where it belongs, and take it back for ourselves.
Hence, this post.
My friend Sunita, over at ReaderWriterVille, does a thing she invented called “Weeknotes.” In them, she converses about her week. I love the tone of them: compassionate toward the self, optimistic toward the future, and supportive of positive, outward productivity. It’s in that spirit I offer today’s post.
It’s not like I haven’t knit or made anything for three years. A lot has happened in that time: the American presidential election disaster; my husband nearly bled to death (he’s okay now); all three of our publishers went out of business; we moved cross country 2,000 miles (about 3,200 kilometers); I started a new job that turned out to be a horrible fit and then got a new job (which I love); and I had a cancer-scare (I’m all right, but found some other stuff and am in the process of getting well). Making, of necessity, became smaller – was it “of necessity” because of something external, such as me deciding it to be that way? No. It just organically happened, because I couldn’t really focus on anything larger. I did nearly finish the Hue Shift Afghan in the Jewel colorway (available from KnitPicks as a kit, highly recommended and I’m making the main rainbow tinted one next); but need to finish one final edge in black. I made Rachel a vest, but need to finish sewing it together (it literally is half-sewn along one side seem; WTF?). I learned pin loom weaving (which is actually loads of fun and there’s a fun online community, here; and I just found a rigid heddle weaving school today online, here). I started designing not one but two lace shawls (those of you who know me are probably nodding and saying, “Of course you did, Noony;” I get it, I really do), and then stopped, completely, until all I was doing was pin loom weaving.
Slowly, I’m edging back toward making. I’ve learned some things. For me, a stable home and a stable day job are necessary for creative output. I find they settle and ground me in ways I don’t always understand. I wish I was happy-go-lucky, totally Zen and able to produce in any season, but I have found through long experience I’m not really one of those people. I do knit, and have done so through serious adversity, but having a stable home (which includes my family) and job (so I am not scared about where rent is coming from) is critical.
So what have I been making? Well, I don’t have a ton of pics in one place, which is part of this attenuated interregnum. But I do have a semi-circular shawl I’m designing on the needles and the name makes me laugh. I was thinking one day recently about vegetables, and manifestation, and how I want to eat more veggies and like them. I want to want to eat more veggies, is probably a more accurate statement. Then I thought about manifestation, and practicing the reality that I want to bring about. I had the yarn in my hands. The yarn is green. Then the squirrels took over and…
It’s going to need some serious blocking, but this is a semi-circular shawl based on Elizabeth Zimmerman’s “pi shawl” formula. The yarn is from Australia and is a lovely cotton blend that looks like it’s got mohair in it, but doesn’t.
I’m using a size 3 circular after quite a bit of trial and error as regards needle size. This is a yarn that color pools but even so, is quite lovely in stockinette; however, I think this type of faggotting really shows it to advantage. The predominant stitch is from Barbara Walker’s Volume I stitch dictionary, and is “Vertical Lace Trellis.” It’s only a four row repeat, two of which are purl across, so it’s much easier to work than it looks.
Other than that, I don’t have a whole lot of insights to share or profundities to drop on you. I just really miss blogging, writing, publishing, knitting, and making all the things. My squirrels got into the grain bin and have pooped on the good sheets in the linen closet. For the most part, I think I’ve gotten them wrangled, but I’ll refrain from any sagacious pronouncements of “I’m back and this is what I’m doing;” I’ve done that a couple times during this latest interregnum and have regretted it because it presages a dry spell.
So for now, I’ll close with this: thank you for visiting, and reading, and leaving a comment or two. I’m glad to be here, and I’m glad you’re here. Now. Let’s go make stuff, shall we?
Yesterday, I got a wild hair to rummage in my craft storage bins for some yarn that I bought waaaay back when I first started to knit. I put it away, thinking I’d make a sleeveless sweater or something for the holidays.
Only, I’d bought four skeins, which isn’t enough for a sweater.
And so it’s languished in the bin for ~cof~ years ~cof~. I also got some very difficult, fussy eyelash yarn of an eye-catching red. I tried mixing it with this gorgeous stuff and it looked awful. Rather than looking like a fur border, it looked like, well, a mess.
I’m not sure what magical alchemy happened yesterday. Mercury is retrograde; maybe it’s that. No clue. But in I walked to my office, let my fingers do the walking through my binventory (I made up a word!!), and voila – new project glee.
Only one problem. What the eff do I make, if not the sweater I’d been procrastinating?
The yarn is a lovely, skooshie Plymouth 24k in a red and gold, complete with gold flecks. I could do a rectangular shawl with thin tassels, (once I learn how to spell tassels ~fail~). I could do a necklace or beads.
Hmm. That’s actually not a bad idea. I have four balls of it; I could use three for a triangle shawl and the one remaining ball for some jewelry.
I started with a garter stitch border and then started yarn over increases three stitches in on each side. When I had enough of an edge to make the point strong, I started two yarn overs in the center. I’m going to do Little Arrowhead Lace from Barbara Walker’s Volume I, and then in the center, I think I’ll do budding branch once I have enough on either side of the center spine.
Oh. As I’m writing this, there are really two centers, one on either side of the spine. Hmm. I can do buds, but have them mirror each other. Facing center, or facing out? I’ll noodle on that, but I’m thinking facing center.
I got pretty far yesterday.
And I did not allow Kolya to eat the yarn. Or chew on the needles. Or steal the project bag so he could gnaw on the plastic.
Right. I decided to be a textile artist in a house full of cats. Brilliant.
My theme for the A to Z Challenge here at Knoontime Knitting was “Letterforms In Nature and the Built Environment.”
I adore letters. I have my whole life. I started young as a calligrapher, and had a business at the age of thirteen where I did menus and certificates for local small businesses. While art was not something that was encouraged when I went to college, it’s always stuck with me in the back of my mind and I got back into daily calligraphy a couple years ago. It just seemed natural to look at letterforms in a non-traditional way, and while I was outside walking one day, it hit me. Why not look for accidental letters?
A book that was a deep influence on me was Alphabet Art: Thirteen ABC’s From Around the World, by Leonard Everett Fisher. This was one of the first calligraphy books I ever owned and I used to pore over it for hours, looking for similarities and differences in the way people make the alphabets that represent their language. I suppose because of this, it’s no surprise I studied languages when I went to university, or that I speak several now as an adult. My love affair with language and letters is a long one.
When I started the challenge, it was simply “In Nature.” I didn’t start adding the “Built Environment” until I was out on one of my photography walks, prowling the neighborhood looking for ABC’s. I found an “F” in a fence that made me laugh because of the double entendre, and it hit me that because I have become, of necessity because I live in the third largest city in the U.S., an urbanscape photographer, doing letters in built structures was a natural progression of the landscape photography training I’ve had. After all, “can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” And so, I set out to find more letters.
The more I photographed, the more I saw letters around me. I’d be waiting for a bus and examine a sapling waiting for Spring. Or I’d find letters in the joints of buildings and the elbows of signs. It turned out to be a lot of fun. I may even turn my photographs into a book, which tickles me because I can include narratives and poetry as befits the particular images.
On a more mundane note, as I did the challenge I realized that I needed some kind of footnote to explain to visitors what I was doing, and where, since I had multiple challenges going. Rather than re-write it each time, I created a “backmatter” file in my word processing program where I could write the notes, customized for each blog, and then just copy and paste each time. That really helped me feel like my posts were tied together with a common thread and helped me promote the different blogs where I was participating in the challenge. I’ll definitely do that again next year, because it made things feel much more professional.
Suffice it to say, I had a ball with this challenge and with picking a theme and, while it didn’t have anything strictly speaking to do with knitting, I found the inspiration it gave me to be invaluable. I can’t wait until next year’s challenge!
For your ease of viewing, here’s the list of the posts for the Challenge.
A: The A-Z of the Natural World – Letterforms In Nature
B: B Is For Bush! (No, Not THAT Kind of Bush)
C: Urbanscapes And Letterforms In The Built Environment
E: The Largest E You’ll Ever See
I: There Is No “I” In Tree (possibly my favorite title of the series)
X: X Marks the Spot – Even If It’s Tardy!
Y: The Fork In the Tree and the Path Less Traveled By
Thank you for joining me for the A-Z Blog Challenge. If you’re blogging in the challenge, please leave me a link so I can come visit you too. If you have a moment, please check out these other fine blogs:
The theme on my main blog, Explore the Worlds of A. Catherine Noon, is The A To Z of the Zoo. Join me as I explore Brookfield Zoo and finds animals, birds, and insects from A to Z.
The theme at Noon & Wilder is The A To Z of Chicago. Since I live here in the city and we have our Chicagoland Shifters based here, I figured I’d share a window into the city, Noon & Wilder style.
The Nice Girls Writing Naughty have a new home, and we’re blogging in the challenge again this year. Throughout the month you’ll be hearing from each of the Nice Girls, and during the RT Booklovers Convention from April 12th to the 17th, you’ll be getting live convention reports. Join the conversation!
The Writer Zen Garden’s brand new website is up and running, and we’re bringing you posts from me, Noony; my partner in crime, Rachel Wilder (the Wilder half of Noon & Wilder); the talented Darla M. Sands – a blogger in her own right, see below; as well as Grace Kahlo, Evey Brown, and author Tina Holland. Check it out!
My friends who are participating in the challenge (and if you’re not on this list, tell me and I’ll add you!):
Write on, and Happy Blogging!
And so, Dear Reader, the A to Z Challenge has come to an end. Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. I hope you’ve enjoyed wandering the streets of my daily round, looking for letterforms in nature and the built environment. I have to say, it’s changed how I see the world around me and even given me an idea for a book. But in the meantime, I’ve got not one but two images for you today, one in nature and one in the built environment; a fitting close to my challenge this month.
And remember, May 9th is the A to Z Reflections Post Day, and the Linky List is open from May 9 to May 13. Keep an eye on the main A to Z Blog Challenge page for more info and updates, and of course come back here on the 9th for my reflections on my various posts. Also, if you’ve visited me and I haven’t responded or visited back, please forgive me; I’ve had a nasty cold and do plan to catch up to everyone over the coming days, I promise!
My theme here at my Knoontime Knitting craft blog is Letterforms In Nature and the Built Environment.
Thank you for joining me for the A-Z Blog Challenge. If you’re blogging in the challenge, please leave me a link so I can come visit you too. If you have a moment, please check out these other fine blogs:
The theme on my main blog, Explore the Worlds of A. Catherine Noon, is The A To Z of the Zoo. Join me as I explore Brookfield Zoo and finds animals, birds, and insects from A to Z.
The theme at Noon & Wilder is The A To Z of Chicago. Since I live here in the city and we have our Chicagoland Shifters based here, I figured I’d share a window into the city, Noon & Wilder style.
The Nice Girls Writing Naughty have a new home, and we’re blogging in the challenge again this year. Throughout the month you’ll be hearing from each of the Nice Girls, and during the RT Booklovers Convention from April 12th to the 17th, you’ll be getting live convention reports. Join the conversation!
The Writer Zen Garden’s brand new website is up and running, and we’re bringing you posts from me, Noony; my partner in crime, Rachel Wilder (the Wilder half of Noon & Wilder); the talented Darla M. Sands – a blogger in her own right, see below; as well as Grace Kahlo, Evey Brown, and author Tina Holland. Check it out!
My friends who are participating in the challenge (and if you’re not on this list, tell me and I’ll add you!):
Write on, and Happy Blogging!
I think, by this point in my walk, the couple about twenty feet behind me were convinced I was bonkers. I kept stopping, after all, to stare into the hedgerows or up at trees. I even back-tracked to get the correct angle to snap this lovely letter “Y” for you.
And in case the title sounds vaguely familiar but isn’t quite coming to mind, it’s from this snippet:
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
My theme here at my Knoontime Knitting craft blog is Letterforms In Nature and the Built Environment.
Thank you for joining me for the A-Z Blog Challenge. If you’re blogging in the challenge, please leave me a link so I can come visit you too. If you have a moment, please check out these other fine blogs:
The theme on my main blog, Explore the Worlds of A. Catherine Noon, is The A To Z of the Zoo. Join me as I explore Brookfield Zoo and finds animals, birds, and insects from A to Z.
The theme at Noon & Wilder is The A To Z of Chicago. Since I live here in the city and we have our Chicagoland Shifters based here, I figured I’d share a window into the city, Noon & Wilder style.
The Nice Girls Writing Naughty have a new home, and we’re blogging in the challenge again this year. Throughout the month you’ll be hearing from each of the Nice Girls, and during the RT Booklovers Convention from April 12th to the 17th, you’ll be getting live convention reports. Join the conversation!
The Writer Zen Garden’s brand new website is up and running, and we’re bringing you posts from me, Noony; my partner in crime, Rachel Wilder (the Wilder half of Noon & Wilder); the talented Darla M. Sands – a blogger in her own right, see below; as well as Grace Kahlo, Evey Brown, and author Tina Holland. Check it out!
My friends who are participating in the challenge (and if you’re not on this list, tell me and I’ll add you!):
Write on, and Happy Blogging!
I almost have my groove back! It’s at about 65%. I felt good enough to go to the gym yesterday and walk two miles, even if I did come home and pass out. Then today I met with my kick-ass trainer, and he kicked my ass.
Sorta what I pay him for, but still. My iz poopded!
BUT… I wouldn’t leave you hanging, Dear Reader! I got my last three alphabet photos on the way to the gym! Above is what happens when X Marks the Spot – just ignore the litter. (I hate it when people litter, don’t you?)
My theme here at my Knoontime Knitting craft blog is Letterforms In Nature and the Built Environment.
Thank you for joining me for the A-Z Blog Challenge. If you’re blogging in the challenge, please leave me a link so I can come visit you too. If you have a moment, please check out these other fine blogs:
The theme on my main blog, Explore the Worlds of A. Catherine Noon, is The A To Z of the Zoo. Join me as I explore Brookfield Zoo and finds animals, birds, and insects from A to Z.
The theme at Noon & Wilder is The A To Z of Chicago. Since I live here in the city and we have our Chicagoland Shifters based here, I figured I’d share a window into the city, Noon & Wilder style.
The Nice Girls Writing Naughty have a new home, and we’re blogging in the challenge again this year. Throughout the month you’ll be hearing from each of the Nice Girls, and during the RT Booklovers Convention from April 12th to the 17th, you’ll be getting live convention reports. Join the conversation!
The Writer Zen Garden’s brand new website is up and running, and we’re bringing you posts from me, Noony; my partner in crime, Rachel Wilder (the Wilder half of Noon & Wilder); the talented Darla M. Sands – a blogger in her own right, see below; as well as Grace Kahlo, Evey Brown, and author Tina Holland. Check it out!
My friends who are participating in the challenge (and if you’re not on this list, tell me and I’ll add you!):
Write on, and Happy Blogging!
I lucked out. With my cold, I haven’t gotten out to take photographs for the last handful of letters I need. I took this photo of the sky a few weeks ago when it was threatening to storm, and got a great shot of the sunset in the process. And look! There’s a W in the tree!
Score. Totally meant to do that.
My theme here at my Knoontime Knitting craft blog is Letterforms In Nature and the Built Environment.
Thank you for joining me for the A-Z Blog Challenge. If you’re blogging in the challenge, please leave me a link so I can come visit you too. If you have a moment, please check out these other fine blogs:
The theme on my main blog, Explore the Worlds of A. Catherine Noon, is The A To Z of the Zoo. Join me as I explore Brookfield Zoo and finds animals, birds, and insects from A to Z.
The theme at Noon & Wilder is The A To Z of Chicago. Since I live here in the city and we have our Chicagoland Shifters based here, I figured I’d share a window into the city, Noon & Wilder style.
The Nice Girls Writing Naughty have a new home, and we’re blogging in the challenge again this year. Throughout the month you’ll be hearing from each of the Nice Girls, and during the RT Booklovers Convention from April 12th to the 17th, you’ll be getting live convention reports. Join the conversation!
The Writer Zen Garden’s brand new website is up and running, and we’re bringing you posts from me, Noony; my partner in crime, Rachel Wilder (the Wilder half of Noon & Wilder); the talented Darla M. Sands – a blogger in her own right, see below; as well as Grace Kahlo, Evey Brown, and author Tina Holland. Check it out!
My friends who are participating in the challenge (and if you’re not on this list, tell me and I’ll add you!):
Write on, and Happy Blogging!
The title of today’s post comes from the one-and-only cheer I remember from high school. For some reason, any time I hear the letter “V,” that’s what I hear in my head.
I particularly like this shot of the tree because it’s an evergreen; in my mind, this is what trees “should” look and smell like. As long as I’ve lived here in Chicago, I’ve never gotten quite used to the idea that deciduous trees drop all their leaves in winter, nor that dead leaves smell very different than a carpet of fallen needles. There’s nothing quite like the tang of tannin.
Trivia tidbit for you: in the winter, you can make a tea from evergreen needles and it is very high in Vitamin C and other things that help your immune system fight off colds.
And since I have a cold right now, I figured that was kinda relevant. ‘N stuff.
My theme here at my Knoontime Knitting craft blog is Letterforms In Nature and the Built Environment.
Thank you for joining me for the A-Z Blog Challenge. If you’re blogging in the challenge, please leave me a link so I can come visit you too. If you have a moment, please check out these other fine blogs:
The theme on my main blog, Explore the Worlds of A. Catherine Noon, is The A To Z of the Zoo. Join me as I explore Brookfield Zoo and finds animals, birds, and insects from A to Z.
The theme at Noon & Wilder is The A To Z of Chicago. Since I live here in the city and we have our Chicagoland Shifters based here, I figured I’d share a window into the city, Noon & Wilder style.
The Nice Girls Writing Naughty have a new home, and we’re blogging in the challenge again this year. Throughout the month you’ll be hearing from each of the Nice Girls, and during the RT Booklovers Convention from April 12th to the 17th, you’ll be getting live convention reports. Join the conversation!
The Writer Zen Garden’s brand new website is up and running, and we’re bringing you posts from me, Noony; my partner in crime, Rachel Wilder (the Wilder half of Noon & Wilder); the talented Darla M. Sands – a blogger in her own right, see below; as well as Grace Kahlo, Evey Brown, and author Tina Holland. Check it out!
My friends who are participating in the challenge (and if you’re not on this list, tell me and I’ll add you!):
Write on, and Happy Blogging!
This looks like a cozy place to climb up and read a book, doesn’t it?
It also looks like today’s letter, “U.”
My theme here at my Knoontime Knitting craft blog is Letterforms In Nature and the Built Environment. I’ll be exploring my daily round, looking for shapes in the natural world and built environment.
Thank you for joining me for the A-Z Blog Challenge. If you’re blogging in the challenge, please leave me a link so I can come visit you too. If you have a moment, please check out these other fine blogs:
The theme on my main blog, Explore the Worlds of A. Catherine Noon, is The A To Z of the Zoo. Join me as I explore Brookfield Zoo and finds animals, birds, and insects from A to Z.
The theme at Noon & Wilder is The A To Z of Chicago. Since I live here in the city and we have our Chicagoland Shifters based here, I figured I’d share a window into the city, Noon & Wilder style.
The Nice Girls Writing Naughty have a new home, and we’re blogging in the challenge again this year. Throughout the month you’ll be hearing from each of the Nice Girls, and during the RT Booklovers Convention from April 12th to the 17th, you’ll be getting live convention reports. Join the conversation!
The Writer Zen Garden’s brand new website is up and running, and we’re bringing you posts from me, Noony; my partner in crime, Rachel Wilder (the Wilder half of Noon & Wilder); the talented Darla M. Sands – a blogger in her own right, see below; as well as Grace Kahlo, Evey Brown, and author Tina Holland. Check it out!
My friends who are participating in the challenge (and if you’re not on this list, tell me and I’ll add you!):
Write on, and Happy Blogging!