I decided to change the project I used the Mochi Mini yarn for. Originally, I wanted to do a Tunisian scarf, but it kept not working out the way I wanted. I blogged about it here.
Using a design by Cheryl Oberle as a starting point, I am doing a triangular shawl. I’m using a stitch from Barbara Walker’s stitch dictionary, the second volume, for the middle panel. In the original pattern, it’s a 35 row repeat of garter; instead, I’m doing a 36 row repeat of the texture stitch.
The funny part is that when I started it, I thought the top was where the triangle was supposed to form. There is a four-stitch increase every other row, two of which are in the center; which means it’s a mitered corner.
Uh, duh.
You can see I sort of pulled the center out of shape and will have to block aggressively when I finish it. I think I’ll also add a picot row along that top since in the center there’s only the two yarn-overs to hold the edge, which will be subjected to quite a bit of stress.
This next image shows the mitering and the center yarn-over increases. I like the striping effect of this yarn. One thing I don’t care for, though, is the way it knots with itself. The filament has quite a bit of fuzz that develops pills, and then the yarn knots on itself. I’ve already had several severe tangles in just this first yarn ball and, despite the appearance, won’t work with this yarn again because of that. It’s just not worth the time to untangle everything.
This shot shows the four row texture repeat from Barbara Walker’s guide. I like this stitch a lot and think I might make a regular scarf in a rectangle to show it off. It’s got an interesting slip stitch pass over that makes the horizontal bars; it reminds me a little of Tunisian because of the square shape. In a worsted weight yarn, I think the texture would show up even more.