Makers Monday – Ojos de Dios and the Chakras – What Is a Chakra?
I thought I’d take a moment and discuss Chakras, so this project makes a little more sense.
Chakras are an ancient concept from India that were developed 1500 to 500 BCE (Before Current Era). They are conceived as wheels, and are seen to be located in the human body. In general, there are seven chakras in the body:
- The Root Chakra – grounding, connection to the earth
- The Sacral Chakra – primal relationships, sexuality, creativity
- The Solar Plexus Chakra – will, intent, personal power
- The Heart Chakra – relationships, love, friendship
- The Throat Chakra – speaking our truth
- The Third Eye Chakra – clear sight, vision, intuition
- The Crown Chakra – connection to the divine, collective consciousness
The seven chakras have all sorts of things that are representative – sounds, colors, concepts, etc. For our purposes, the colors are the most relevant:
- The Root Chakra – reds
- The Sacral Chakra – oranges
- The Solar Plexus Chakra – yellows
- The Heart Chakra – greens
- The Throat Chakra – light blues
- The Third Eye Chakra – indigos
- The Crown Chakra – violets, whites, silvers
I’ll show you next week how some of these are coming together in practice, and how they look on the wall with each other.