A Is For… The A to Z Challenge, of Course!
Welcome to the A to Z Challenge! I’m getting started a little later than I intended, as I’m writing this on the 2nd of April, but I figure, leap, and the net will appear.
This image is from a series that I did a while back as an inspiration deck. I used the seven chakra colors plus brown. It was a fun project to think about, to come up with images that represented the color to me if not the chakra itself.
This month, for the A to Z Challenge, I will walk through my studio as I see it, not necessarily as I would show it to a visitor. I’m naturally a right-brained thinker, but since I have to live and work in the left-dominated neurotypical world I’ve learned to adapt. This month, I decided to try something different, and just post what I felt called to post for myself.
This blog, if you haven’t visited before, came about because I realized that I seem to have a learning difference in translating things from 2D to 3D. I’m hyperverbal (and thus a novelist), but I wasn’t always that way. I’ve always been a storyteller, but being raised in an abusive household I learned to hide my natural mode and survive as a left-brained thinker. I got very good at it, to the point that I now make a living in an analytical field and have an MBA in Finance.
In 2016, with the American election and the kickoff of what we now know is a strong Christofascist movement in our country, I started to feel seriously overwhelmed by everything. I didn’t realize at the time what was happening. The writing was the first to go, then the knitting, design work, and eventually, my weaving. I have done a few pieces here and there but nothing approaching my previous “normal.”
It’s been a journey but I’m finding myself closer to my “old me” than I’ve been in a long while, and I decided to take the opportunity of the A to Z challenge to challenge myself – to write, to show up at the keyboard daily, and to think about things that make me passionate.
And today, that’s craft: Knoontime Knitting: One Writer’s Journey Into 3-D. We changed it when we did a blog redesign, to “Where We Let the Squirrels Play,” and that fits too. Ultimately, it’s a philosophical discussion about craft as practice and a showcase, for myself if no one else, of what I did really do. A witnessing of my own process; midwifing my own creativity.
I hope you’ll join me, and that herein you will find some small inspiration for your own art, whatever that is.
Here are the rest of the images from the series:







Looking forward to seeing more. I love the vibrant colors.
the clours in your images are just superb
Visiting from the A to Z challenge