
Thoughtful Thursday – 3D and Writing — 4 Comments

  1. \’There\’s never enough time to say and do all the things we\’d like. The question is how to say and do as much as we can with the time we\’ve got.\’ This is a quote, or an approximation of a quote from Albert Finney\’s \’Scrooge\’, a movie I watch every Christmas Eve with my mother. I\’m always running out of time, rushing to accomplish everything I\’d like. Every day, I only accomplish a fraction of what I\’d like, but at least, I\’ve done a fraction! 🙂 It\’s amazing, Catherine, that you\’ve managed to do as much as you have with the time you\’ve gotten. It\’s something to be proud of.

    • Thank you! Very kind of you to say. And I like the quote a lot! I think it\’s easy to focus on the lack, rather than on the abundance, and remembering that we are doing what we can is a healthy thing.

  2. Some time ago I realized I was spending way too much time inside my own head, so when I was outside I made myself notice the things going on around me. The lady dressed so smartly on the escalator at the State of Illinois building, but with her hair in large curlers. How gracile the foot and toes of an Asian man wearing sandals looked compared to the Arab man\’s heavy, thick toed foot. The delivery man who looked so much like a pirate. But now I have the problem of spending way too much time on email and social media and too little time on real world tasks. I\’m going now to clean the bathroom.

    • I know what you mean; the echo chamber has a hypnotic pull. Piers Anthony called television a \”hypnogourd\” in his Xanth series; I think it applies to social media too. 🙂

      Have fun doing some chores! I hope it grounds you!