Makers Monday – Ojos de Dios and the Chakras
I’ve talked about ojos de Dios, or eyes of G*d, before. I enjoy making them, because they’re relatively simple to weave and they adapt to many different uses. They can be made for prayers and spells, protection, to commemorate new projects or milestones, and for art.
I had a dream recently, where I saw a series of ojos on the side of the house. When I woke up, it was as though I could still see it. It felt so vivid and real, I walked outside to look.
I had to laugh. The place where I’d seen them has two big windows right in the middle of it.
But there’s a large wall on the back of my house that would totally work…
And thus, a project was born.
I thought I’d share some progress pictures. It feels so good to start making things again. I look back and my pictures and it’s not that I haven’t made things; but I’ve definitely felt stuck for a long while. It’s been so fun working on a larger project that will take some time to complete.
This one is for the Throat Chakra, also called the Fifth Chakra. It’s about using our voice and finding our power.
I picked a luminous black filament with blues and pinks for the center. It’s not coming through very well on the camera, but it’s eye-catching.
I also varied the weave; that part toward the edges by wrapping around the arm of the ojo without weaving across. This presented more of a gap in the weaving.
I forgot to weave the hangar like I normally do, since I didn’t want to use the center black yarn. It’s too springy and also a very thin filament, not robust for hanging in weather.
I tied the last two yarns to make the hangar, which is something I don’t usually do but I like how it came out. I used an overhand knot at the end to make it hangable.
Next Monday, come back and I’ll share the wall and the beginning of the Chakra wall.