The Flora and Fauna Report – Progress This Week
The idea of the Flora and Fauna Report came from Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. She describes getting letters from a relative that she described as a ‘flora and fauna report,’ because they were about all the goings on in and out of her life. I loved the idea, because all it asks of us is to show up as we are. Kind of like meditation. 🙂
Today is a very cold and clear, sunny day in the Pacific Northwest. I am working on a chakra ojos de dios project, which I’ll be sharing more about in subsequent posts; but today, I wanted to share a little of our goings on.
The cell booster is up! Man, that was an ordeal. We needed this part, and that part, and the other part; we thought we had everything and needed… two bolts.
That’s it. Two little bolts. No big deal, unless you don’t have it, and then it’s a big deal.
I added two more ojos to the project (the ones on the right); the lower one is for Voice and the upper right is for Third Eye.
I’ll have more in a series on this project, so stay tuned!