Round Like a Triangle
I decided to try a triangular box, with more or less successful results. A couple challenges presented themselves:
- 3″ triangles
- the grid on the triangles themselves
- getting the rectangles to match up with the triangles
- edge stitch
Taking them in order, the first issue is that the largest triangles I could find are 3″ on a side. I checked the internet but that’s the largest one available that I could see.
I tried cutting the rectangular grids into a triangle, but the hypotenuse isn’t supported enough and it’s not straight. It’s like cutting a diagonal line across a piece of graph paper.
Because the base is 3″, the box is only 3″ in size. I decided to start with the lid and make it small. It worked well, as you can see, but then I got the idea to make the base very tall as an experiment:
The last two problems are part of each other. The first was getting the rectangles I used for the sides to match up with the triangles. It worked, sort of, but will take practice. The second is what to use for the edges. I used the edge stitching for the top of the box, pictured above. For the bottom, I used simple overcast stitching. The overcast stitching, which not as pretty, is much better to use for the project.
In all, it’s a successful experiment but I’m not as happy with the box as I want to be. I’ll have to try it again and see what works better.