
Saturday Showcase – Jody Wallace! — 14 Comments

  1. Love it!

    Now I\’ve got to figure out how to MAKE such sweet \’lil things!

    … and crochet and get wool and…


    Thanks for sharing this!

  2. I so want one, Kimberley! I shall have to figure out how to bribe the Meankitty. Kittens? Catnip? Coffee?

    Not coffee. Don\’t share coffee. Chocolate?

    Nope, not that either.

    GAH! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Love the little critters! Especially the beach gnome and the green one…lol….looks like a fun and rewarding hobby!

  4. Awesome! I\’m in awe of your prolificness. (Is that even a word??) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks again for doing a guest post; it was a pleasure to have you!