
Tunisian Snafu — 3 Comments

  1. How\’s it going? I have to say that I stumbled upon a very interesting person you\’ve surely heard of by the name of Dorothy Liebes. My story research into the stock exchange, of all things, led to this amazing woman\’s textiles. I might never have heard of her if not for the fact she sometimes incorporated such unusual materials as ticker tape! With some of the era celebrities she designed for, I wonder if she led a jet-setting life. Reading that she only semi-retired due to a heart condition, one year before her death, I want that kind of commitment to my art! Her inspiring story immediately made me think of you.

  2. I actually haven\’t heard of Dorothy Liebes, so thank you very much for the referral. I\’ll check her out!

    I haven\’t played much with the Tunisian lately, because I\’m waiting to go back to class. I\’m not able to see the stitch correctly yet, which has to do with my 2D to 3D translation issue cognitively, so I\’m just letting it sit for now.

    I did go to Michigan, if you recall, to distill oregano; while there, I stopped at a local yarn store (and want to write a profile of it for my Knitting Guild\’s newsletter, Windy City Knitting Guild ). I bought some interesting overdyed fiber that I\’ve been swatching to make a triangle scarf. Originally, my plan was to knit it. In the car, though, all I had was my Tunisian hook, so I just played with a swatch out of boredom. It looked, in a word, fantastic.

    Then, all of the knit swatches I\’ve tried look muddy and awful.

    So I may have to try making the triangle scarf out of Tunisian, which will definitely mean I need to go back to class since increase stitches require you to understand the stitch structure.

    I\’ll keep you updated! ~hugs~

  3. Pingback:T Is For… Tunisian Crochet! | A Catherine Noon